Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Parents are Here!

Hello there! I haven't been on campus much recently, nor will I be for the rest of the week. That is because our folks have come to visit! How am I on the internet right now, do you ask? Well right now I am being a bad child. I am on campus while my folks are shopping. I really don't like to shop, and they love it.... so I thought it best I don't go with them so I don't spoil their fun with my sometimes bad shopping related attitude! An extra benefit is a chance to get some posts up....

I'm going to put up some pictures up of our place because we still haven't done that.. then I'm going to publish an already written blog post that has been sitting here for at least a week....

I'll write about my folks' visit after they're gone because if I'm a good child I won't be on campus much while they're here! So talk to you later, my friends...

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